Darling Poppy; she's a dancer.
Our little Poppy affectionately known as Poppy poopy, (due to a sensitive stomach when she was a kitten) has been a lovely addition to our little gang of furries. Born May 8, 2010, in Cumbria, she was the cute little runt of a kindle of four. We were told by the keeper of the mother cat, that we could not have Poppy because she was already spoken for. So, we chose the loudest kitten in the basket (Mowgli) and took him to his forever home. Three days later, we receive a call to say that the people who took Poppy no longer wanted her. So, of course, we said yes, we will take her. Since then this little dancer has made us laugh, had four of her own little kittens and is our little affectionate 'Pops'. Just look how cute she is.
Poppy's favorite pass times are, climbing us, visitors, cheese, feet and of course, changing her mind.